Here's Where it Went Wrong

Dark Phoenix: When They Remade Their Worst Movie Worse (with Jay Jurden)

Episode Summary

Andrew and Wen sit down with comedian, actor and X-Men expert Jay Jurden (Colbert, Fallon, New Album "Y'all") to discuss their love of the X-Men movie franchise, and how it went so horribly wrong with X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Episode Notes

Andrew,  Wen and Jay recap the entire X-Men movie franchise, how it helped set the groundwork for the Marvel universe, and then how X-Men somehow closed the saga on the worst movie of the series!

We get to hear about how they tapped Royal Shakespeare Academy legends to pretend to have super powers,  how one of the world's most powerful Omega Mutants was largely relegated to making ice cubes (and not the mutant it should have been), and how Magneto keeps getting sexier even though he's supposed to be 62 by now.

You can follow all 3 of these comedians to hear their further thoughts on X-Men and everything else at:

Andrew Nadeau

Wen Powers

Jay Jurden