Here's Where it Went Wrong

The Simpsons: When We Had Fears That They'd Have Stories For Years

Episode Summary

Andrew and Wen sit down with comedian and Simpsons encyclopedia Joe Kwaczala (Comedy Central, "Who Cares About The Rock Hall" podcast) to talk about America's first family, The Simpsons! From its beginning as crudely drawn shorts for The Tracey Ullman Show, to then becoming a pop-culture behemoth, the guys try to figure out if and when The Simpsons ever stopped being great!

Episode Notes

Andrew and Wen sit down with comedy video maestro and all around funny man Joe Kwaczala (Comedy Central, "Who Cares About The Rock Hall" podcast) to talk about America's first family, The Simpsons! The show has inspired countless comedians and has become a language in and of itself, so what better way to honor it than to try to find the moment it went from the "gold television standard" to "still pretty great"!

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